The EcoPark is a public green space where residents and visitors can enjoy the beautiful natural environment that our community has to offer. The park has over 3km of accessible trails, one of which loops around a small pond. The Community Garden welcomes visitors to walk through their rural garden filled with native perennials and vegetables grown by the Friends of the EcoPark. There are also plots available to rent for the season. The Dog Park, nicknamed the Clearview EcoBark, is fully equipped with tunnels, a drinking water fountain leash holders, benches and picnic tables. The newest feature is the Infinity Pollinator Garden which is planted with native plant and shrub species and has adopted wildlife friendly landscape practices.
Welcome to the Clearview EcoPark
Address: 300 Mowat Street North, Stayner
The EcoPark is a public green area where residents and visitors can enjoy the beautiful natural environment that our community has to offer. The EcoPark features accessible walking trails, interpretive signs and a bird blind to view some of the over 200 different species of birds that migrate through and live in Clearview Township.
The EcoPark includes the newly constructed EcoBark, the largest off-leash dog park facility in Clearview Township; along with the Community Garden and Memorial Tree Park to help increase diversity and enhance habitat of birds and wildlife.
The Clearview EcoPark Loop provides residents with a safe, active trail system that connects residents from downtown Stayner with Clearview’s newest naturalized area. The Clearview EcoPark Loop utilizes a mix of sidewalks and built trail network and with numerous access points into the various subdivisions both along the trail and west of the park. The EcoPark is the perfect destination for those looking to get out for a walk, bike ride or to go birdwatching.
The floating dock, located along an accessible path branching off the Pond Loop Trail, is a new opportunity for all ages and abilities to enjoy the EcoPark. It allows bird watchers to be closer to the local species while not disrupting nests or habitat and brings visitors out into the Pond so that they can discover animals, plants, birds and insects that call the pond area home.
Floating docks also provide another unique biological habitat for aquatic animals, insects and birds.
The Friends of the Clearview EcoPark are dedicated to the growth and sustainability of the Clearview EcoPark as a native tree, plant, bird and bee sanctuary by providing valuable services to maintain the Community Garden, trails and naturalized areas and promoting year-round opportunities for community activities and education that will benefit residents and visitors.
In 2021, Township Council approved the Terms of Reference and since then, the staff at the Parks, Culture and Recreation Department have been working with the volunteers to establish and grow the Community Garden.
Email us to contact the volunteer leaderemail for the Friends of the Clearview EcoPark.
- Throughout the winter semester of 2014-2015 staff and students at Stayner Collegiate Institute worked hard to build kiosks that would be used for interpretive signage at the park as well as some habitat structures for birds and ducks.
- In the spring of 2015 staff and students were on site and planted over 1000 native plant and tree specimens to enrich the site for birds and wildlife. A Forest Ecology Study was then conducted on site highlighting exactly how the park space has great potential for the school, the community, and the public to enjoy lifelong learning.
- By October 2015 it is intended that an interpretive trail system will be underway and upon completion, it will be accessible for all ages and abilities. For this project, we will be adopting and following guidelines outlined in the Accessibility Design Guidelines for York Regional Forest Trails.
- In November 2016, the concept plan for the Clearview EcoPark was approved by Council. This will lay the groundwork for long-term development, including a community garden, dog park and expanded trail network.
- From late spring 2017 to early summer, a new trail was constructed to connect the Clearview EcoPark to the forested property which will become the Emerald Creek Subdivision. Funding received by Simcoe County "Trails Connecting Communities" allowed for this extension. The completed trail is now referred to as the EcoPark Trail Loop and is 5.5km. The trail connects downtown Stayner (at Highway 26 & Scott St.) with the Clearview EcoPark. New directional signage was installed on the trail and along the route, such as on sidewalks.
- In September 2017, Clearview Township received funding from TD Tree Days to plant 125 trees on the east side of the park, adjacent to the trail and to also provide a environmental buffer on the perimeter of the community garden.
- Once again in September 2018, Clearview and our community partner, the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) hosted a TD Tree Days event to plant 250 trees and shrub on the east side of the park between Lamont Creek and Mowat St. There were 45 volunteers from all ages who participated in the tree planting day. This funding was the largest TD Tree Days "Friends of the Environment" grant received by Clearview totalling over $7100.
- In 2019, the Clearview EcoPark Loop was completed included a new limestone trail and new directional signage. This project was funded in part by the Regional Tourism Ontario 7 partnership program and the County of Simcoe Trails Connecting Communities Program.
- In February 2020, the Clearview EcoPark was featured in the Winter Activities video campaignopen_in_new for South Georgian Bay Tourism as the perfect spot for families to snowshoe in the winter. Trail access is available; however, not maintained by the Township. Please use your own caution.
- The growing season of 2021 was the inaugural year of the Clearview Community Garden. Following the landscape design drawn by Fran Moore, the Friends of the EcoPark brought the community garden to life. The volunteers grew vegetables to share, donate to the Clearview-Stayner Food Bank and to sell at the Farmers Market. The year was concluded with the all-new Late Summer Nite Garden Harvest fundraiser for the garden.
- In spring 2022, the construction of the Infinity Pollinator Garden began. With the help of the Friends of the EcoPark and many community groups including the Wasaga Beach Girl Guides, the New Lowell Brownies and Guides and the Clearview Youth Centre, the garden was planted and habitat houses were built, completing the wildlife area for our native pollinators. The Infinity Pollinator Garden was made possible through a grant from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
- In 2022, Birds Canada completed the installation of the Motus Wildlife Tracking Station at the EcoPark. The Motus Wildlife Tracking Station uses radio telemetry from tagged birds, bats and butterflies that pass through the EcoPark to better understand the ecology of migratory animals. To learn more about Motus Wildlife Tracking System click hereopen_in_new.
- In 2023, two capital projects were completed: Floating Dock and Barn Swallow Habitat. The floating dock is designed to bring visitors out into the Pond so that they can discover animals, plants, birds and insects that call the pond area home. An accessible path was extended from the current Pond Loop trail. The floating dock is available from May to October. Thank you to Docks Unlimited for providing their expertise in designing and installing the new floating dock. The Barn Swallow Habitat is located on the west-side of the EcoPark to provide new roosting and nesting for barn swallows. Barn swallows was listed as a threatened under Ontario's ESA in January 2012. We followed the Ontario Species at Risk "best practices" for creating nesting habitat document. Thank you to Norse Construction for installing the new barn swallow habitat.
Dog Park
5833 County Road 96 (formerly 27/28 Sideroad), Stayner
The Dog Park, nicknamed the Clearview EcoBark, is located near the North boundary of the Ecopark. The main parking lot for the dog park is accessed on County Road 96 at the end of Mowat Street.
The dog park is fully equipped with tunnels, ramps, a drinking water fountain, leash holders, benches and picnic tables. In addition, to ensure security and overall safety of pets, there is a double gated entrance to prevent dogs running off when entering or exiting. The dog park is open year round from sunrise to sunset. There is small dog area that is enclosed with a fence to allow smaller and more timid dogs an opportunity to be off-leash. Please respect the rules as posted at the entrance of the facility.
Community Garden
300 Mowat Street North, Stayner
The new Community Garden includes the communal garden plots to collectively grow produce and will also has two types of allotment garden plots available for individuals to rent.
We have an awesome group of volunteers that grow fruits and vegetables together in the communal plots and really gives off that community feeling. Do you want to grow with us? See the volunteer section below.
There are Accessible Garden Plots available and two different sizes of Garden Plots. The Accessible Plots are 48” wide by 96” long and 32” off the ground to allow access for individuals with physical disabilities and wheelchair access. The Garden Plots are 48” wide and 96” long and are enclosed with cedar wood to create a garden plot depth of 12" and 18” from the ground.
The annual rental fee of the accessible planter or the garden plot is $30, plus HST.
Read the Garden Manual below for more information:
CLEARVIEW COMMUNITY GARDEN MANUAL (PDF)Use the link below to register for a plot:
Grow with us! In the communal plots our idea is that if you help in the garden, you get to share in the harvest - and the fun!
Some of the tasks that volunteers are invited to help with are:Planting seeds & seedlings
Harvest, cleaning & deliver produce to "Clearview-Stayner Food Bank" - Tuesdays between 10am-12:30PM
Farmers' market booth, Thursdays 4PM-9PM
Special Projects & Events throughout the year
To volunteer to help with the Community Garden, please complete the Community Garden Volunteer Form (PDF). picture_as_pdfPollinators are essential in supporting biodiversity in our natural ecosystems and maintaining the reproduction of the world’s food supply. Sadly, pollinator species populations are in decline due to disease, habitat loss and use of pesticides. Our choices can help to make positive changes for pollinators and our natural ecosystems. Clearview Township has created habitat at the Infinity Pollinator Garden that supports many species of pollinators with adequate food, water and shelter.
Why an infinity design? We want our garden to represent our reciprocal and infinite relationship with the environment. With the help of the Friends of the EcoPark, local community groups and volunteers, we have planted a garden that welcomes diverse wildlife, complete with colourful, native perennial plants and shrub species and includes pollinator-friendly landscape practices. These gardens are not just beautiful, they are also a key component to a healthy ecosystem.
Have you visited the Infinity Pollinator Garden? Click here to fill out our survey.
This pollinator garden was made possible through a grant from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Memorial Forest
300 Mowat Street North, Stayner
The Memorial Forest is located at 300 Mowat Street North in Stayner, on the land next to the EcoPark, which was donated by Clearview Township.
The forest is administered by Clearview Parks and Recreation Staff and Volunteers, with members of the Stayner Lions Club as part of a sub-committee.
Memorial Forest & Memorial Tree Program
A living tree is symbolic of the ongoing memories of your loved one. By planting a tree, you preserve these precious memories and encourage nature's preservation for future generations.
The Memorial Forest Tree Program provides a means for members of the public to recognize & honour each other in a lasting tribute.
Family members can dedicate a tree in memory of a loved one. A memorial plaque is placed at each tree with wording according to the family's request. The cost for a Memorial Tree is $350 which includes a memorial plaque.
How To Order
For more information on the Memorial Forest Program and how to order please view the Memorial Forest & Memorial Tree Program brochure.